Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trim Healthy Mama

This is a shameless plug for a new way of eating I've been trying, and loving, for several months now.

Think: whole foods, good and traditional nutrition, energy, and biblical weight loss/body image specifically for, but not limited to, moms.

It's too complicated for me to try and describe everything here. After all, these two sisters wrote a 600-page book explaining everything. But I would say it is definitely worth it.

I was skeptical at first but my own story so far is this: I started eating "on plan" before I got pregnant (and still wasn't a stickler about doing everything "right"). Before I reached the second trimester I had lost 15 pounds (felt like I wasn't even trying). Even since then, I have only gained 8 pounds in my entire pregnancy so far. And I'm eating TONS of calories and good, nutritious food. Its all about eating the right things at the right time with the right other foods (mainly, controlling your blood sugar.)

I'm very interested to discover how I feel eating this way in the last couple months of pregnancy and postpartum. I've previously had a hard time shedding pregnancy weight despite religiously counting calories, exercising, and trying really hard to eat well. Honestly, I'm tired of the emotional battle- of constantly thinking about and trying to lose the weight. Trim Healthy Mama is so refreshing. I personally think its biblical, natural, and God-honoring.

If this interests you, I would recommend reading this short review since that is how I first became interested:

Another piece of advice is: Don't be overwhelmed. It was overwhelming at first for me but I changed little things one step at a time. It doesn't have to be a total overhaul in what you eat, just little changes. Pick a couple new things per week that you want to try.

Also, I should say, that I don't personally agree with everything in the book. For instance, they choose not to eat pork. We eat tons of pork. Pete and I don't agree with their reasoning and that's okay. I still thoroughly enjoyed "getting to know" these wonderful, fun, Christian women and the massive amounts of wisdom they had to share.

You can "like" Trim Healthy Mama on facebook for recipes and stories. And of course, always feel free to ask me questions.

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