Monday, December 9, 2013

Labor Story

When I woke up Monday morning (Adam's birthday) I already had a couple early labor signs (lost mucous plug and bloody show first thing) but hadn't really experienced any contractions that I knew of. Throughout the morning I had a few light contractions and probably averaged about one per hour the rest of the day.

Since I thought I'd go into labor soon, I decided to take a nap. Again, I was so thankful for my mom who watched parts of "The Sound of Music" with Lucy while Adam and I took our afternoon naps. Pete was at work by the way.

When I woke up, I felt funny. Not good. But I wasn't exactly sure it was labor. I was suspicious that it might be the stomach bug since Adam had had it two nights earlier. I didn't eat dinner. Adam was acting funny again too, so while my mom and Lucy finished up dinner, I gave him a bath. During his bath I threw up. A lot. That was around 7 pm.

For the next 4 1/2 hours I threw up four more times, all while progressing pretty fast with labor. I think vomiting kicked my contractions in to full gear.

After 11 pm, there was nothing left inside my stomach, and I felt pretty dehydrated. I was trying to sleep but realized at some point that my contractions were 3 minutes or less apart and over a minute long. They were getting painful and I was anxious about being dehydrated and scared I'd push the baby out if I threw up again. So, I told Pete I thought we should go to the hospital.

I think we showed up at BroMenn around 11:45 pm, bowl in hand. We got checked in. I was 6 centimeters dilated. I basically begged for an IV because I knew I was dehydrated. I also knew I didn't want to be up and about. I asked for anti-nausea medication too. By 12:30ish I was in a room with everything hooked up, not feeling nauseated, eating lots of ice chips, laboring away, with Pete next to my side. I didn't throw up again.

The next 4 hours were pretty normal painful contraction after contraction. I think I did a little better this time around with handling the pain. Pete did such an awesome job coaching and encouraging me.

There were a couple things that kept me going. One: not knowing if it was a boy or a girl. We kept on talking about that during labor and that made me excited and able to get through another contraction. We'd get to meet our baby soon! We were also pretty excited that it was the morning of the 3rd, so indeed our third child followed that trend. (Lucy was born on the 1st, Adam was born on the 2nd...) Also, only a couple hours in, the nurse tech brought in all the equipment: the baby warmer and everything. So I thought "Wow! am I really that close?!"

At 3:15 AM the nurse checked me again and said I was at a 7 and my water was bulging (hadn't broken yet), and that it would break soon with a contraction and things would go quickly. So I continued on in transition for another hour. Finally at some point, I couldn't help pushing a little with the contractions, and my water broke. I was at 8 centimeters then, she said.

Also, at this point, they gave me an oxygen mask because I was hyperventilating. Apparently I'm good at that since I got yelled at for it the last two births. The nurses and Pete were good at reminding me to breath and it was more controlled while I was pushing.

From then on I couldn't help pushing. I don't remember how long I pushed but it seems like it was only a few pushes. The nurse urgently called Dr. Nord and told him I was "at 9 and feeling pushy" and then immediately called all the people to help deliver, including the "on call" physician, since she didn't think Dr. Nord would make it.

Herman's head came out pretty slowly and after it was all over and done with I was praised for my self-control. Ha. I didn't feel very in control. But, I was glad to have a more slow and controlled delivery. I only had a small tear. Dr. Nord came in the room, according to Pete, just as half of Herman's body was out, and took over.

At 4:30 AM, he was born! 8 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long. It was fun to hear "It's a boy!"

After some skin on skin contact with my new little boy, Pete cutting the cord, and stitching me up, Dr. Nord came over and prayed with us and for Herman. Then, Herman proceeded to nurse for an hour (he's turned out to be great at eating) and Pete went home to get some sleep before visiting with Lucy, Adam, and my mom later that morning.

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