Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Updates... and Something Fun

Our morning started off a bit crazy with Lucy throwing up her breakfast and me trying to rush to a doctor's appointment.

Baby Boy is doing wonderfully. My appointment, which obviously I ended up going to by myself, went well. Doctor Nord has recently changed his policy on vaginal exams. He used to do them starting at 36 weeks, but changed it to starting at 38 weeks. So I have no idea about anything. I'm a little disappointed, but kind of thankful too since its good to not mess with anything too early. He didn't seem concerned with the cramping this weekend since everything else looks great.

The rest of the day went pretty well actually. Lucy seems to be doing not just okay, but very well. We both took extra long naps today (praise the Lord!) sleeping for a solid three and a half hours. I found time to fold the three loads of laundry I did yesterday and wash some dishes, and my wonderful husband did too many helpful things to count.

And now for something on a much lighter note: Pete and I have finally settled in on a name for our boy! Hands down, the most frequent question I get asked these days is "Have you picked out a name yet?" I never knew people cared that much, but apparently its a big deal. So here it is:

Adam Joshua Avery

We'll explain more of why we chose this name later, but for now, there you have it. :)

Another fun thing is that Pete and I bought a package of newborn diapers at the store when I all of a sudden had a moment of "oh no what if we have this baby and I don't have any diapers for him?" I opened them up and was absolutely shocked at how small they were! It just made it a little more real that we will soon have a little person around again.


  1. YAY name announcement! I had been wondering if you still liked Adam...Adam Avery - love it!

  2. :) I love it!! Adam Avery has such a wonderful sound to it! And it made me laugh to think about how small the diapers looked to you. One of my vivid memories for each birth, is how HUGE my older children looked compared to the newborn! Love you!

  3. I love the name!!! Glad to hear you are doing well!
