Saturday, January 23, 2010

32 weeks- sorry its been so long!

So sorry we haven't posted in awhile! We have been busy studying, reading, doing projects, and doing homework! Although it was fun and we feel as though we learned a lot, we are both glad that the 2 weeks of classes are over.

Updates on baby:
  • She kicks a lot! And sometimes the jabs are pretty forceful. Its really fun to look down at my belly and actually see her moving.
  • She is over 4 pounds and about 19-20 inches long.
  • She has opaque skin now and her fingernails are grown out to her fingertips.
  • We can't wait to meet her, and the date is fast approaching!
Here are some pictures from earlier today:

1 comment:

  1. Getting so close Michaela! I am so excited for you! You look beautiful :)
