Saturday, November 30, 2013

Two Days "Overdue"

My brothers left Thanksgiving day and my dad left this morning. It's kind of weird just going through life waiting for something to happen. I'm a planner. I like knowing what's going on and what we're doing. I planned on having a baby already on this lovely, chilly Saturday. Once again the Lord is reminding me that I am most certainly not in control, and His plans are better than mine.

How I'm feeling: annoyed, impatient, in a fog, sad that some of my family won't be here for when it happens, thankful that we've had some good times this week still, super thankful for my mom (and dad) for help with the kiddos, kind of embarrassed that I made such a big deal of thinking I'd go early, confused, prayerful, selfish, still excited and looking forward to meeting our baby girl or boy sometime in the next week.

Yesterday my parents took the kids to the Children's Discovery Museum and out to lunch while Pete and I spent the morning together and went out to lunch ourselves for some spicy food and then walking in the grocery store. It was nice. Last night we celebrated Adam's birthday early since my dad left early this morning and we're not sure what the next few days will look like. His birthday is really on Monday. We had fun making cupcakes and wrapping presents all afternoon and then celebrating after dinner.

Today our plans are to watch football all day and stay inside. The kids have new toys from Adam's birthday that they are happy to play with; mostly trains and other transportation toys.

It seems silly to be discouraged when you think I was almost two weeks late with Lucy and I'm only two days past my due date today. I think its more of the "not knowing" that is hard. It could be another week, or it could be this afternoon.

Thankfully, my mom "has no plans" other than staying with us until baby is born. So thankful.

1 comment:

  1. So happy that I can be here. Working remotely, and depending on Brian and the boys to keep things in order at home:)
