Wednesday, November 20, 2013

39-Week Update for Baby #3

Not much happening here yet. I just got back from the doctor and I am two centimeters dilated, 50% effaced, and the baby is at -1 station. Seems pretty normal to me. I haven't been experiencing any Braxton Hicks contractions this week (probably because my stress levels went way down due to our week off.) So, who knows when I'll go in to labor?  Twelve days late with Lucy. Four days early with Adam. You can't predict these things.

My mom is coming tomorrow, with other family members trickling in next week. I'm hoping for Baby's arrival to come sometime this weekend. As I scheduled next week's doctor's appointment, I did have a moment of reality that it could still be a couple weeks. I'm envisioning Thanksgiving with my family here and an infant in my arms... but Thanksgiving could come and go and Baby might still enjoy his or her current home more than the outside world.

So I'm praying for an early arrival. But I'm also praying for patience! And waiting on God's timing and sovereign will.


  1. I'm so excited for you! I can't believe how patient you are. My third was four days late and I wanted to gouge my eyes out :). Can't wait for the grand arrival!

    1. Thanks Michelle! Its great to hear from you and hear about your beautiful family!
